Peace of Mind Assured

Your Security & Guarantees

Need peace of mind? We’ve got you covered! Discover all the details about our flexible insurance options and guarantees to ensure your team retreat or business event runs smoothly—every step of the way.

Our team will guide you through the available insurance options and guarantees, ensuring your retreat is secure and stress-free from start to finish.

Our insolvency and customer payment protection with the reinsurer R+V covers all customer deposits made prior to the start of the trip. This ensures that our customers are fully protected against any potential insolvency risk of Italiaplus Travel & Events GmbH when booking a trip or event.

The valid travel price security certificate will be sent to our customers immediately after their first deposit.

Our personal and property damage liability insurance with AXA Versicherung AG covers the statutory private liability arising from organizing travel with standard and low-risk activities.

The insurance coverage includes:

  • € 15,000,000 per claim for personal injuries, with no deductible.
  • € 1,500,000 per claim for property damage, with a deductible of € 2,500.

Our financial loss liability insurance with AXA Versicherung AG provides coverage for statutory private liability arising from organizing travel.

The coverage includes:

  • € 100,000 per claim for property damage, with a self-insured retention of € 2,500 per claim.

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Our team will arrange a customized call to cater your requirements.